3 Wings of the Phoenix
Opening the energy gates of Du Mai
These important foundation exercises are essential to open the 3 gates of the Du Mai.
Experienced people often ask me ‘how can I feel Qi, how I can feel nature?’.
I simply answer that "You need to open up yourself". When you open up yourself, the energy comes towards you. This is the theory behind Ziran Qigong - to open up the front of your body like a deep valley and open your back like the shape of a mountain allowing the Qi, through the Governing vessel to rise and then find the Conception vessel and like a waterfall allowing the Qi to floating down.
When the three gates open up, Qi can flow and in the front of the body along the Conception vessel, Upper, Middle and Lower Dantian can all relax allowing Qi to flow down.
This came to me one day while meditating. I felt my whole body open, my consciousness open and I saw the image of the Dragon and the Phoenix. Through this beautiful experience I felt that our bodies contain Phoenix and Dragon.
So I start thinking, how can I use the breath to open up these three gates. To open, releasing all the tensions, so Qi can naturally, spontaneously flow. This is the result and what I call the Three Wings Breath Method.
Focused practice of these methods will enable the opening of the 3 Wings of the Phoenix and greatly enhance the flow of Qi around the Microcosmic Orbit.
Your Instructor

Master Liu is the 5th generation inheritor of the Liu He Zi Ran Men lineage.
He began his study of Ziran Kung Fu and Qigong in his teens with Master Hong Zheng Fu, and later, with the legendary Grandmaster Wan Lai Sheng.
After graduating from Beijing University of Physical Education, Master Liu accepted a teaching post at the famous Shaolin Temple, then spent 12 years teaching at the Fujian Institute of Physical Education.
Since coming to Australia Master Liu has taught at his own school, The Ziranmen Kung Fu Academy and taught for 10 years at Melbourne University Tai Chi and Wu Shu Club. He was a founding member of the Australia Wu Shu and Tai Chi Practitioners Association (now WTQA), has lectured at the Victorian College of the Arts and is the head coach of Shaolin Temple Wu Shu Training Centre in Australia.
Through his nearly 30 years teaching experience, Master Liu has come to believe that the state of a persons physical and mental health is so much more important than any material possessions they may strive for.
He understands that to gain this free mind and spirit, one's life should be nourished by great philosophy and culture.